Special Education Support
If a family has a child in the initial process of special education, whether the initial referral process, reevaluation, or upcoming annual review. Georginia can review documents and provide suggestions, recommendations, or support for an upcoming meeting.
Do you believe your child has a disability and are not sure where to start? Georginia can discuss your concerns, what the process may look like, what you as the parent need to do, and any other pertinent information. Georginia may suggest that a disability likely does not appear to be present based on available information, or she may make recommendations to request an evaluation.
If your child has had a recent evaluation and you need help understanding the report, Georginia can review and provide parent-friendly interpretations as well as follow up questions or recommendations.
If your child was found eligible, she can help explain aspects of the IEP that may not have been explained well, or due to the nature of the meeting, may have been explained but not understood at the time.
If given copies of any evaluations completed and/or any Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) developed, she can review and make suggestions to take to your next meeting.
She can serve as an advocate as needed for your family to receive the best support for your child, whether they are eligible for special education or not.
The initial phone conversation to determine if Georginia can meet your family's needs is free.